Room Tags: What They Are and How to Create Them

In Mazévo, you can use tags to create a collection of rooms that you can use to filter rooms for reporting, the event book, or the event calendar. This article explains how to create and manage room tags.


A room tag is a label that can be applied to rooms.  A room can be "tagged" with as many labels as needed.

For example, a tag called "Large Room" might be applied to all spaces with capacities of over 50 people. Another tag called "Second Floor" might be assigned to rooms on the second floor of your building. In this example, a big space on the second floor would have two tags: Large Room and Second Floor.

Room tags are available for filtering the list of rooms when using these tools:

  • Add New Event
  • Find Events
  • Event Book
  • Event Calendar
  • Activity Log
  • Manage Operations
  • Review Events
  • All Reports

To tag a room:

1. Go to Settings > Rooms.

2. Select rooms by checking the box beside their names. You can select/unselect all using the checkbox at the top of the column.

3. Select Tag Rooms > Add Tags from the menu that appears at the top of the grid

4. Click in the field to see the list of tags. Select an existing tag from the list or type a name for the new tag and click the "+" sign to create the new tag. When using multiple tags, select one, and then click in the field again to see the list and choose another. When finished, click Save to apply the tag(s) to the selected room(s).  


To remove a tag:

1. Go to Settings > Rooms.

2. Select rooms by checking the box beside their names. You can select/unselect all using the checkbox at the top of the column.

3. Select Tag Rooms > Remove Tags from the menu at the top of the grid

4. Using the Remove Specific Tags option, select the tags you want to remove by clicking in the field to see the list multiple times. Use the Remove All Tags option to take all tags off the selected room(s). 

 5. When finished, click Save to remove the tag(s) from the selected room(s).  


Using Manage Tags

Manage Tags is another way to add and remove tags to rooms.  Manage Tags allows you to see all of the rooms assigned to a specific tag.  Go to Settings > Rooms > Manage Tags to use the Manage Tags function.


For a tag, enter the tag name, and then navigate to the rooms tab to select/de-select the rooms that will use the tag.