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  2. Academics
  3. Bidirectional Integrations with an SIS

How to Use Room Features With the Course Optimizer

The optimizer can use a room's features when determining which room to assign to a course. The optimizer will use the instructor's preferred features or the features specified on a course when determining a room assignment.


The optimizer can use features when it assigns a room to a course. Features can be set at the instructor level or the course level; however, course-level features will take precedence over the instructor's preferred features.

Setting an instructor's preferred features

To set features for an instructor:

  1. Select the term you are working with from the Terms List.
  2. Select Optimizer.
  3. Locate and click on the instructor's name to display the Notes/Feature popup.
  4. Select the feature(s) from the dropdown list.
  5. Press Save.

Setting the features for the selected course(s)

  1. Using the checkbox to the left of each course, select the course(s).
  2. From the popup menu, select Features.
  3. Select the feature(s) from the dropdown list.
  4. Press Apply.