Both Manage Operations and Operations display all bookings, services, and work items by default. This article describes how to filter the data by various fields.
Filtering the data you see in Operations
The three main filtering options, found under Settings (located in the upper right corner of the form), are:
You can filter the data by Building or Room Tags on the Location tab.
On the Statuses tab, you can filter the data by the selected statuses.
You can select the services you most commonly work with on the Service Providers tab.
Applying additional filtering to the results grid
The data in the results grid can use the filtering options above the grid to further refine/search for specific bookings, services, or work items.
Entering text in Search for an event will filter the results to those rows that contain the search text entered.
Checking the Only show my service providers checkbox will enforce the service providers you selected above.
Checking Has Changes will only show rows changed in the last 14 days. The number of days, 14 by default, is a system setting that Mazevo support can change for your system.