November 10, 2021

Mazévo Connect: How to Provide the Right Level of Security in Mazévo


Mazévo Connect is our new live, online webinar series that helps users get the most of their Mazévo room scheduling solution. In our first session, Lindee McCurley, assistant director of the Boling University Center at the University of Tennessee at Martin, graciously shared her experiences and insights in a session titled “How We Embraced Mobile and Moved Our Setup Staff to Mazévo Ops.”  

In our second session, our CEO Dean Evans addresses how to get the most out of Mazévo’s user security features 

Enabling the Right Access for Mazévo Users 

One of the reasons this topic is an important one is that we’ve noticed it’s common for an organization to give all of its users Global Administrator security status. There are several possible reasons for that, not the least of which is that Global Administrator is the first option on the Security tab as you’re defining a user! 

We get it… Scheduling departments are busy environments, so it’s tempting to check the first security box and move on so that 1) this person can get started using the system as soon as possible, and 2) the person defining the user can move on to other tasks. But, it’s important to understand the many security options available to you in Mazévo and how they affect a user’s access.  

In Mazévo, as in any mission-critical system, users should be granted a level of access that meets—but doesn’t exceed—the requirements of their job. Sticking to that rule benefits your organization and your users. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to use functionality they shouldn’t have access to and aren’t trained on, and make a mistake that has a negative impact on your customers or your scheduling operation.  

Mazévo Security: High-Level, Function-Based Settings to Specific Security Roles 

In some scheduling environments, Mazévo users fall into one of three general security categories: Global Administrator, Requester, or Event Planner. But as Dean points out in the webinar, in others, someone might be a requester but need a few additional privileges. Providing that additional access is easy using entries on the Other Security Roles tab.  

There are too many roles to describe here, but the point is that Mazévo user security can be fine-tuned to provide exactly—and only—the system access that someone needs. A very simple example that Dean gives is a user who has event planner access in one building on a campus, requester access in several others, and is authorized to use the system’s analytics functions.  

Useful Information and Great Questions From Attendees 

Our second Mazévo Connect session not only includes a helpful overview of system security from Dean, but it also highlights some great questions from attendees, which Dean answers. You can view the session in its entirety on the Mazévo YouTube channel 

And, if you’re considering becoming a Mazévo customer and want to see a live demonstration of the system’s security features and much more, please contact us at your convenience to get a session scheduled!

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