
April 26, 2022

04-26-22  Public Calendar, Services & SSO Improvements


Public Calendar Updates


Public Calendar Updated for Mobile Phones

The Public calendar will now adapt to smaller displays to look good on all devices, including phones.


New Organization Filter

You can now create calendar links for one or more organizations. These calendar links will display all public events for that organization.


New Manage Organization Calendars

This function allows you to create public calendar links for multiple organizations quickly.


Canceled Events are Now Displayed with a Strikethrough Font.

If you have explicitly chosen to display events with a canceled status on your public calendar, they will appear with a strikethrough font. Ex. Canceled Event


New Organization Type Filter

You can now create a public calendar based on organization type. Mazévo will display all public events for selected organization types on the calendar.


New Hide Special Dates Option

You can now remove special dates from the Public Calendar.


Single Sign-On

User Information Now Updated on Subsequent Logins

SSO will now update the user's security policy or name if necessary when logging in. Previously this information needed to be updated manually.


Improvements to Resources

We made several updates to the way resources are managed on events. Thank you to our friends in Iowa for the great suggestions!

New Resource Time Picker

There is a new way to select service times when adding resources to a booking. If the booking already has service start and end times defined, you will be able t pick that time from a list or add a new set of beginning and end times.service times


New Change Resource Option

You can now drill into a specific resource and change it to another resource from a dropdown list. Previously you would need to add a new resource to your event and delete the old resource.


New Item Ordering when Selecting Resources

Mazévo will now order your resource items in the order selected. In addition, you can preview the resource item order and re-order them before saving them to your event.

sort order

Switching Service Providers is Now Disabled when Adding Resources

If you have started selecting resource items, you will no longer be able to switch service providers until you save your resources or remove all your items from the list. Previously, Mazévo deleted all your selected resources if you switched service providers.


Updates to Requests

 Column Sizes Now Adjustable on My Requests

Previously the column sizes were fixed.


Security Policies - Max Booking Length Now Looks at Event Time Only

Previously, Mazévo applied the rule to the entire booking length, including setup and teardown time. This caused issues if you had default setup and teardown applied to your bookings.


Other Updates

Organization Addresses Now Exported to Excel

When exporting your list of organizations, the excel file will include the organization address, city, state, and zip code.


Multiple Event Coordinators Displayed in Find Events

If an event has more than one event coordinator assigned, they will now each display in Find Events. Previously only the first event coordinator was being displayed.


New Icons for Mobile Operations

There are new colored icons for not started, in progress, and completed states. Previously these states were indicated by red, yellow, or blue dots.

 mobile icons

View and Reprint a Batch of Invoices

You can now select multiple invoices to view at once and create as a pdf from Find Invoices.


My Approvals Now Displays Room Name

Previously if you clicked into an approval, you would not see the room name listed.


New Search Bar in Revenue Analytics

You can now search the entire grid when viewing the results of revenue analytics.


Confirmation Emails Now Display Booking Status

Previously the body of the email did not display the booking status, and the requester would have to view the confirmation document to see the status.


User Initials Now Displayed in Footer of Reports

The user's initials who generates a report are now displayed in the footer. This includes the Event List, Daily Operations Report, and Service Order Reports.


Bugs Fixed

The following items are fixed in this release.

Adding Bookings from Weekly View 

A bug existed that allowed you to add events from the weekly view in the book; however, the date was not being set correctly. To add events from the book, you must now be in the daily view.


Removing Room Setups

An issue was preventing the room setup from being removed when using the booking editor change tools.


Booking Event Names Not Displaying Correctly

We fixed a bug preventing a booking event name from being updated correctly.


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