Room Features: What They Are and How to Create Them
Room Features are an easy way to add attributes to a room, like a built-in projector or a whiteboard. Once features are assigned to a room, event planners and requesters can filter the list of available rooms to those with a selected feature.
Defining a new feature and assigning it to rooms
1) Navigate to Settings > Rooms.
2) Click on Manage Features.
3) Click Add Feature to create a new feature.
4) On the Details tab, enter a description for the new feature.
5) Check Requestable if the feature will be available to requesters when adding a new request.
6) On the Rooms tab, select one or more rooms that have this feature.
7) Press Save.
To edit a Room Feature, click on the feature name and make the necessary changes in the description or the selected rooms.
Using features when creating a new event (as an event planner)
To limit the list of available rooms to rooms with a specific feature, select the feature from the room feature dropdown box on the Where panel of Add New Event. The list will be filtered immediately.
Using features when creating a new request (as a requester)
To limit the list of available rooms to rooms with a specific feature, select the feature from the room feature dropdown box on the Where panel of Add New Event. The list will be filtered immediately.