Messages: What They Are and How to Create Them

Messages are predefined blocks of text that you can use on confirmations, invoices, and emails to convey information on policies and procedures or notes about the event. Examples include school policies and usage guidelines.

To create a message:

1. Go to Settings > Messages.

2. Click Add Message.

3. Type the name of the message. This is a short description.

4. Type the message text.  The message text can be styled (bold, italics, underlined, justification) using the toolbar at the top of the message text box.

5. Select Confirmation Header, Confirmation Footer, Invoice Header, Invoice Footer, or Email Body.

  • Header messages are displayed between the document's heading and the document body.
  • Footer messages are displayed at the end of the document. 
  • Confirmation messages are only available to use when generating a confirmation.
  • Invoice messages are only available to use when creating invoices. 
  • Email Body messages are available when sending a confirmation or invoice. They add a block of text to the body of the email.

6. Check Automatically Apply Message to New Confirmations if you want the message applied to confirmations by default. If the message is used infrequently, clear the checkbox. You will still have the option to select the message manually when producing a confirmation.

Deleting Messages

To remove a message, click the trash can icon in the Remove column. Note that once a message has been used on a confirmation, it can't be removed unless it is first removed from all the confirmations it was associated with.

Line Spacing

When you enter text into the message body, pressing the Return key will start a new paragraph, adding space at the beginning of the paragraph.  Press Shift+Return will not add the additional line spacing.