How to Use the Keyboard to Navigate in the Mazevo Application

Mazevo can be used quite effectively with just the keyboard. Depending on the type of user input, special keyboard options are available to help speed up data entry.

Mac vs Window Shortcuts

Windows Mac
Alt Option
CTRL Command
Backspace Delete

Combo Boxes

Shortcut Description
Alt & Down Arrow  Opens the popup
Alt & Up Arrow or Esc Closes the popup
Esc Resets the value when the popup is closed
Down Arrow Selects the next available item. Highlights it only if the popup is open.
Up Arrow Selects the previous available item. Highlights it only if the popup is open.
Home Move the cursor to the beginning of the input.
End Moves the cursor to the end of the input.
Page Up Scrolls the popup list up
Page Down

Scrolls the popup list down

Multi Select Combo Boxes

Shortcut Description
Alt & Down Arrow  Opens the popup
Alt & Up Arrow or Esc Closes the popup
Left Arrow Focuses the previous tab item in the selected list
Right Arrow Focuses the next tab item in the selected list
Delete or Backspace When the focused item is a tag list, removes the item from the selection
Up Arrow Focuses on the previous available item.
Down Arrow Focuses on the next available item.
Home Focuses on the first selected tag.
End Focuses on the last selected tag.
Enter Selects the highlighted item
Page Up Scrolls the popup list up
Page Down

Scrolls the popup list down

Shift & Up Arrow or Shift & Down Arrow

Selects the items between the last clicked item and the focused item. All other selected items are deselected.

CTRL & Shift & Home

Selects the items between the focused item and the first item. All other selected items are deselected.

CTRL & Shift & End 

Selects the items between the focused item and the last item. All other selected items are deselected.


Selects or Deselects all items

Time Entry

Shortcut Description
Alt & Down Arrow  Opens the popup
Alt & Up Arrow or Esc Closes the popup
Up Arrow Increases the portion value of the time that contains the cursor. 
Down Arrow Decreases the portion value of the time that contains the cursor. 
Left Arrow

Moves the cursor one position to the left.

Right Arrow Moves the cursor one position to the right.
Backspace  Deletes the value of the time segment

Date Entry

Shortcut Description
Alt & Down Arrow  Opens the popup
Alt & Up Arrow or Esc Closes the popup
Up Arrow Increases the portion value of the date that contains the cursor. 
Down Arrow Decreases the portion value of the date that contains the cursor. 
Left Arrow

Moves the cursor one position to the left.

Right Arrow Moves the cursor one position to the right.

Deletes the value of the date segment

Calendar Popup 

Shortcut Description
Up Arrow Focuses a date in the previous week.
Down Arrow Focuses a date in the next week.
Left Arrow

Focuses on the previous available date.

Right Arrow

Focuses on the next available date.

Enter Select the focused date.
Home Focuses on the first date in the month
End Focuses on the last date in the month
Page Up  Focuses on the same date in the previous month
Page Down  Focuses on the same date in the next month. 
Down Arrow Decreases the portion value of the date that contains the cursor. 
t Focuses on today's date.