How to Create a Daily Log Report

Creating shift reports, building manager reports, and incident reports are quick and easy in Mazévo. This article describes the process of defining a report and assigning it to users.

Defining a Log Report

  • Navigate to Setting > Daily Logs.
  • Press Add Daily Log to define a new report.
  • Enter a name for your report.
  • If you want to immediately notify users when this report is submitted by a user, check the Notify Users Upon Submission.  On the Notify Users tab, select the users that will immediately receive the report.
  • On the Questions tab, enter each question you want to prompt the user to respond. Then, press Add after each question.
  • Drag and drop the questions to sequence them in the order you would like the user to fill them out.
  • Press Save.

Assigning a Report to Users

From Daily Logs, press Manage Daily Logs.  There are two ways to assign reports to users.  

1) Assigning a report to one or more users:

  1. Select Configure by Log.
  2. Select the log to assign to users by selecting the report in the dropdown box.
  3. Select the users to be assigned to the specified log using the checkboxes at the left of the grid.
  4. From the popup menu, select Assign Daily Log.

2) Assigning a user one or more reports:

  1. Select Configure by User.
  2. Select the user by clicking on the user's email address.
  3. From the popup menu, select the logs to assign to the user by selecting one or more logs from the multi-select dropdown box.Select one or more logs to assign to the user.
  4. Press Save.

To assign a report to a user, the user must have one of the following security roles:

  • Global Administrator
  • Event Planner 
  • Event Planner - View Events
  • Service Worker
  • Service Manager