Glossary of Mazévo Terms
Every software system, including Mazévo, has its terminology to describe the different elements, functions, and features. This glossary contains the language used by Mazévo.
An approval is a request to a person to review the details of an event and provide feedback in the form of acceptance.
A booking is the date, time, and location for an event. Think of the booking as the "when" and "where" for the event. A booking can be up to 24 hours long, including setup and teardown time. In addition to date, time, and location, every booking has a status.
A building is a structure containing one or more rooms on one or more floors.
A contact is a person who is holding an event. A contact can be associated with one organization or multiple organizations.
An event is a collection of one or more bookings. It has information on who is responsible for the bookings (i.e., the organization and contact) and what the collection is called (i.e., the event name).
Event Question
Event questions are used to gather additional information from requesters as they create new requests. Example: Will you be serving alcohol?, Will you be selling merchandise?
Event Type
Event types are used to categorize events in the system, and also for filtering lists of events and reports. Examples: Meeting, Class, Wedding.
An organization is the group or entity that is holding an event. In some systems, organization is optional, while in others it's mandatory. If organizations are optional, contact is required.
Organization Type
Organization types are used to categorize organizations in the system, and also for filtering lists of events and reports. Examples: Faculty, Student Group, External.
Pricing Plan
A pricing plan specifies how much is charged for specific rooms and resources. Examples of pricing plans might be Internal and External, with internal organizations charged one price for items and external organizations charged a different price. The system can be licensed for one or more pricing plans.
Resources are items that are requested by the organization or contact that is organizing an event. Examples: 6' Table, Projector, Boxed Lunch. Resources are associated with a service provider and are categorized by resource groupings.
Resource Grouping
Resource groupings are used to categorize resources to streamline ordering for an event. Examples: Equipment, Projectors, Tables.
Requesters are users that submit requests for new events into the system via the mobile or web application. Requesters can only manage events that are tied to their user account.
Room Setup
Room Setups are used to quickly convey to the operations team the arrangement of the tables and chairs in the room. Room setup styles are associated to rooms along with a maximum capacity. Room setup information is also used to limit room availability when creating new events.
Room Type
Room types are used to categorize rooms in the system for filtering purposes. Examples: Meeting, Classroom, Athletic Field.
Sales Tax
Sales tax is optionally applied to rooms and resources as required by the taxing jurisdiction. Sales tax is added to the overall cost of the event, but the system calculates the tax item by item (i.e., for each room or resource).
Service Charge
A service charge is a fee that is added to the overall cost of an event. Examples: Catering Gratuity, Material Storage Fee.
Service Provider
A service provider is a department or entity that supplies resources for bookings. Examples: Catering, Audio/Visual, Facilities, Security.
Special Dates
Special dates are holidays and other notable dates. Examples: Spring Break, New Years Eve.
Statuses determine how the system manages the availability of space. Each status has one of two status types: Booked or Cancelled. A status also has a name, which does not affect room availability. Examples: Request, Confirmed, Tentative, Cancelled.
A task is a reminder to perform a specific action by a specified date. Tasks are marked as completed by the individual assigned to the task. Tasks are associated to events, bookings and organizations. Examples: Update catering counts, Send contract, Send quote.
A user is a person that has the authority to log into the Mazevo system and perform the operations that are allowed by their security role.