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Calendar Details: What They Are and How to Create Them

Calendar Details are individual pieces of event marketing information. Once defined, details are then tied to events to promote and market the event. Details are added to events by a calendar manager.

What are calendar details?

Calendar details are used to add marketing information to an event.  This marketing information is then displayed when a user views an event on the public calendar.  

Examples of calendar properties include:

    • Event Sponsors
    • Facebook Page
    • Map
    • Target Audience
    • Registration Information

Below is a sample of how properties are displayed for an event:

Public Calendar with Properties


How to create a calendar property

  1. Navigate to Settings > Calendar Details.
  2. Click Add Calendar Detail
  3. Enter a name for the detail.
  4. Select the type of property from the dropdown box.  There are 3 types of properties that you can define: 
    1. Image - used for uploading an image.
    2. Link - used for entering a URL link.
    3. Text - used for entering a block of text.  The text can be formatted and can include URL links. 
    4. Tag - used for adding searchable tags to an event.
  5. If a Requester can enter this calendar detail, select Requestable.
  6. Press Save.