March 24, 2022

Mazévo and N2N Illuminate: A Powerful Partnership


We’re excited to announce that Mazévo is now partnering with N2N Services, Inc., a leader in higher education systems integration!

N2N’s Illuminate Platform is an “integration platform as a service” or iPaaS. That means it serves as the link between two systems. In this case, it facilitates communication between the academic scheduling functions in Mazévo and Student Information Systems like Banner®, Colleague®, PeopleSoft®, Jenzabar®, and Workday®.

n2n integration with mazevo and sis

Simple Setup and Automated Data Sharing

For Mazévo customers, the beauty of our N2N partnership is that it makes it simple to integrate our advanced scheduling solution with any SIS. We simply provide an API (application programming interface) that creates a connection between Mazévo and Illuminate. Meanwhile, on the “other side,” Illuminate connects to your SIS using one of 120 prebuilt APIs covering the most common SIS providers.

Your IT department will love this scenario, as it means all they have to do is complete a quick installation and configuration of Illuminate on your server. After that, all of the communicating between Mazévo and your SIS happens automatically and in real time by way of Illuminate.

Plus, as N2N notes on their website, Illuminate is highly secure: “Illuminate revolutionizes your integration methodology by enhancing the security protocols around the flow of data in and out of your campus.”

Leveraging the Expertise of Two Industry Leaders

Another benefit of our N2N partnership is that you benefit from the expertise of two companies that excel in their respective fields. At Mazévo, our focus is on room scheduling, whereas N2N has deep knowledge of SIS integrations.

So, this collaboration allows us to remain focused on enhancing and supporting our solution, confident that the N2N team is keeping the Illuminate Platform tuned up and taking advantage of the latest technology. The result is powerful synergy and a comprehensive understanding for Mazévo users of what’s happening when and where on your campus—from meetings and events to classes.

See Mazévo in Action

You may be thinking, “Tight integration and increased efficiency sound great. But what does this comprehensive solution look like in the real world?” The best way to answer that question is to get a live Mazévo demonstration.

We can show you how our solution and an SIS share data through Illuminate. In addition, we can demonstrate how all the advanced room and resource scheduling features in Mazévo can make your life easier and your customers happier.

Contact us today with any questions you have about our partnership with N2N and to schedule a live, interactive, customized demo!

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