September 08, 2022

Mazévo Connect: An Engaging Q&A With Mazévo Users


In a recent Mazévo Connect session, we tapped into the vast experience of our user community to get answers to frequently asked questions.

We’ve conducted several Connect online gatherings (you can see recordings on the Mazévo YouTube channel), often with customer presenters and participants who are very engaged. But this was the first one where we invited the Mazévo community as a whole to essentially run the show.

Great Questions and Excellent Answers!

You never know what to expect when you try a new meeting format for the first time. So, we were thrilled with the way this inaugural Mazévo Connect Community Q&A session went! I received lots of great questions from the Mazévo community, and other participants answered them.

Mazévo CEO Dean Evans and Implementation Specialist Wendy Newlon were also online to provide additional guidance as needed, but the user community really stepped up and shared interesting and insightful information!

As an example, the newest Mazévo customer and recent EMS convert (as in, they purchased Mazévo earlier that day!), Western Washington University, asked about a best practice for assigning specific employees to work bookings.

Fred, part of the WWU performing arts center, had been using a hybrid EMS/spreadsheet approach for that purpose and wanted to know if there was a better way. Amanda at the University of Colorado, Boulder, chimed right in to explain their method of defining individuals as resources and assigning them to an event. Another participant, Jane from University of North Alabama, shared that her school uses the Mazévo Ops app for assigning people to bookings.

Then, Dean provided a caution about the approach of defining team members as rooms in Mazévo. His “full disclosure” comment reminded attendees that Mazévo is priced based on the number of rooms defined in the system, so that’s an important consideration.

That dynamic of looking at questions and answers from several perspectives continued throughout the session and provided tremendous “food for thought” for all involved. Other topics discussed included:

  • 7:00 - Limiting which rooms a user can see
  • 8:59 - How to swap rooms between two bookings
  • 14:40 - How to indicate what time a service is needed on a booking
  • 20:14 - How to add information during or after an event (daily log report)
  • 28:18 - How to reduce the need to print extensive reports for operation staff
  • 31:45 - How to efficiently review charges before an invoice is generated
  • 34:36 - How to make sure confirmations are being delivered to customers
  • 39:19 - Process for events that involve minors (under 18 years old)
  • 40:30 - Looking for a better way to enter building hours & special dates
  • 46:50 - How to allow people to request rooms after hours
  • 49:52 - Looking for a better way to enter special dates
  • 52:58 - How to set your default home page for Mazévo
  • 54:35 - How to configure who can fill out the log report

The session recording is time-stamped for each topic, making it simple to jump to the ones that interest you and hear what your scheduling peers and our product experts have to say.

Mazévo Users ROCK!

Our team has many decades of cumulative experience in event management solutions, and we’re continually impressed with how engaged and supportive the Mazévo user community is! We’ve honestly never experienced anything like it before.

So, a huge “Thank you!” to everyone who participated in this enlightening online event.

If you have follow-up questions on any of the topics above or on Mazévo in general, we’re happy to answer them! Contact us to schedule a live demo tailored to your scheduling environment.  

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