October 23, 2024

Why Deleting Old Records Is Key to an Organized Scheduling System

Why Deleting Old Records Is Key to an Organized Scheduling System

When it comes to the core data in your scheduling system—your buildings, rooms, event types, etc.—a good rule of thumb is “less is more.” You want to define every item you need in order to book rooms and resources effectively, of course, but items you don’t actually need are just “visual noise” that makes your scheduling operation less efficient. 

How do you ensure that you have what you need, but only what you need? You can do that by periodically reviewing your core data.

TL;DR: Key Takeaways

  • Less is More: Only define the core data (rooms, event types, etc.) you need for efficient scheduling. Extra, unused data creates clutter and slows down your system.
  • Periodic Data Review is Crucial: Regularly review your data at least annually to remove outdated items that are no longer in use.
  • Data Cleanup Boosts Performance: Removing old records improves system speed, enhances user experience, and ensures accurate reporting and analytics.
  • Leverage Mazévo’s Cleanup Tools: After deleting old bookings, Mazévo’s tools make it easy to clean up unused organizations, contacts, rooms, and users, keeping your system streamlined.

Switching to a New System? That’s a Perfect Time to Assess Your Data!

If you’re switching from your old scheduling system to a new one, that’s an opportunity for assessing your data and deciding which items need to be converted and which could be left out of the new database.

For example, data conversion processes often include all future bookings and 1-3 years of history. In doing so, they typically only bring over core data items tied to those bookings—the thinking being that if you haven’t used a piece of data for a period of years, you probably won’t need it going forward. And, if you do, you can add it to the system at that time.

While switching to a new system is an excellent opportunity to review your data, ongoing periodic reviews are just as crucial to ensure your system stays organized and efficient.

Schedule an Annual Data Review

The point at which you move to a new scheduling system shouldn’t be the only time you evaluate your data. In just a year, it’s easy to create multiple data items that were only needed one time, or, in some cases, ended up not being needed at all.

We recommend reviewing your data at some regularly scheduled interval. Annually is a good target, but every six months might be even better if your scheduling office is particularly busy and it’s likely you will have created lots of new core data items in that period.

Here are the key benefits of periodically removing old data from your room scheduling system:

  1. Improved User Experience: Deleting outdated records reduces clutter, making it easier for users to find current and relevant event data quickly.
  2. Faster Searches and Reporting: With less data to sift through, the system becomes more responsive, allowing searches, reports, and scheduling tasks to run more efficiently.
  3. Accurate Analytics and Reporting: Removing obsolete data ensures that analytics and reports are based on the most current information, leading to more informed decision-making.
  4. Simplified Database Management: Regularly cleaning up old records makes it easier for administrators to organize data, reduce clutter, and make the system more manageable.
  5. Enhanced System Performance: Clearing out unused records improves overall system performance, ensuring the scheduling process remains fast and efficient.

Mazévo’s new data cleanup tools make it easy to remove unused organizations, contacts, rooms, and users that are no longer attached to bookings, helping you maintain a streamlined system.

What to Review

All of the core data you’ve created in your scheduling system (or had pulled in through a data conversion) should be reviewed periodically. However, certain items are more important to review than others, including:

  • Rooms
  • Room Types
  • Setup Types
  • Event Types
  • Resources
  • Customers
  • Contacts

It’s common for scheduling departments to create new entries for these data types for one reason or another. For example, you might schedule a one-time event that is different from any other you’ve hosted, so you define a new event type and/or setup type to accommodate it. And your list of customers and contacts can quickly become outdated.

Ultimately, the fewer items that a scheduling system user has to view to find the one they’re looking for, the better.

Mazévo’s new data cleanup tools are designed for use after old booking data has been deleted. Once bookings are removed, there are often leftover records such as organizations, contacts, rooms, and users that are no longer associated with any bookings. The data cleanup tools allow administrators to quickly and easily remove these unused records, ensuring the system remains organized and free of unnecessary data. This process helps maintain optimal system performance while keeping your scheduling system streamlined and up-to-date.

A Workaround for Rarely Used Items

In situations where your team needs to be aware that a unique item is needed for an event, rather than defining the item in your system, you might consider indicating the requirement with a note on the booking. That way, it’ll be clear that the item is needed, but it won’t be taking up digital space months or years after the one time it was needed.

One caution here: Scheduling systems can’t track inventory quantities on note entries, of course. So, if there’s any chance that a particular item could be needed for more than one event and therefore could be overbooked, it should be defined as an inventoried item.

Time To Do Some Spring Cleaning?

In a busy events department, it’s easy to find yourself tackling one scheduling task after another and not thinking a lot about your core data. But now that you know “less is more” in your scheduling system, this might be a good time to take a look and do a little cleanup ensuring that your scheduling system stays streamlined and responsive.

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