March 23, 2020

A Message From Mazevo Regarding Coronavirus


The past few weeks have seen incredible change in all areas of our society. Many of the industries that Mazévo directly supports have been hit hard by the Coronavirus outbreak. Colleges and universities have moved to online instruction and shut down campuses while churches have closed facilities and moved services and meetings to the web.

The impact of the pandemic is affecting everyone and left us all looking for answers. Our hearts go out to those whose well being and health has been affected. At Mazévo we have been in this industry for decades and want to offer some perspective on these uncertain times.

The industries we serve have all weathered storms in the past. The dot-com crash of early 2000's followed by the events of 9/11 had a huge short term negative impact on travel, hospitality and the economy as a whole. The financial crisis of 2008 leading to the great recession was just as devastating in the short term if not more. After all was said and done however things bounced back stronger than ever.

We believe that the the upheaval brought on by the cronavirus offers an opportunity to prepare now for better times ahead. Things may be different when the storm passes but change is always a constant. Our product team remains focused on updates that will help you schedule better that are based on feedback from those like you in the industry.

We have also worked completely remote since day one. We already have the systems and processes in place to ensure that you have no interruption in your service or support no matter where you are working from.

The reality is that face to face meetings are probably not going to happen in the near future but the need for in person connection and collaboration will never change. When this pandemic is over we will all have a new appreciation for our ability to connect and collaborate like we never had before. When that day arrives we will be there to help you make that happen.

If you have any questions please call or email us. We are ready to help in any way we can.

Stay safe and healthy,

Dean Evans, Founder & CEO


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