October 21, 2020

8 Reasons Organizations Switch Scheduling Systems


You just learned that an organization you’re familiar with switched to a new event scheduling system and is loving it. Your organization has been considering making a similar move for some time, so you wonder, “What finally got them to take action?”

Every scheduling department’s scenario is unique, of course. But the events professionals we talk with tend to mention one or more of eight common reasons why their organization felt compelled to switch.

  1. Their current system is outdated and clunky. There are a number of products out there that have been around, literally, for decades. They may tout their history as a benefit, but the fact is, these systems have accumulated so much “baggage” from add-ons and patches and tweaks through the years that they’re now cumbersome and confusing to use and maintain.
  2. The department needs to be more efficient. Staff reductions in response to the pandemic (and for other reasons) mean that organizations need to “do more with less.” And that requires streamlined processes supported by a system designed with efficiency and dispersed workforces in mind.
  3. They need to reduce costs. Budget-busting renewal contracts used to be something that scheduling departments simply had to deal with. But new pricing models can eliminate that kind of sizable upfront hit and spread costs out over time. Plus, new, web-based systems have no hardware costs.
  4. Support on their existing system is poor. Many scheduling software providers today either try to cut corners by providing minimal support or their support team is so busy putting out fires that it takes days (or longer) to get back to a customer who has an urgent need for assistance.
  5. They’re looking for a solution built from the ground up for the web. Most older systems have some form of web-based functionality, but they tend to be hastily designed features “bolted on” as an afterthought to appease unhappy customers. A web-native system is created specifically to leverage the benefits of the cloud including anytime/anywhere/any device accessibility.
  6. They want to provide a better customer experience. Customers today expect to be able to interact with a scheduling department quickly and with zero hassles. Things like online request capability and simpler forms are just what they’re looking for.
  7. They need an intuitive system that requires little, if any, training. One of the problems with older systems is that because of the technology available when they were developed, processes were complex and convoluted. As a result, teaching someone to use the system took hours and hours of training and consulting. With a thoughtfully designed modern system, a person can log in, “look around,” read a few knowledge base articles if needed, and know how to accomplish virtually anything in a matter of minutes.
  8. They’ve learned that switching is easy. With a web-based event management system, you can be up and running in a matter of hours. Some secure space in the cloud is set aside for you, you’re provided login credentials, and that’s it. You’re off to the races! It’s even possible to have the data in your old system pulled into the new one automatically in many cases.

“No Reason NOT to Switch”

Ultimately, what we hear from schedulers is that when they stopped to consider their options, they couldn’t come up with any reasons NOT to switch to a new scheduling system. In checking out Mazévo, they realize they can get a leading-edge, web-based, cost-effective solution that’s accessible from any computer or mobile device, easy to use, and simple to switch to.

What are your reasons for wanting a new scheduling solution? Let’s talk about how to address them! Schedule a free, no-obligation demo to learn more about Mazévo.

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